Posted by: missionventureministries | June 19, 2024


Lamentations 3 vs 24-26

I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. (Lamentations 3:24-26) 

Many of us struggle when it comes to disciplining ourselves in the area of instant gratification. There are so many things we want now. And to make matters worse, we usually have the ability to follow through on our desires. That’s what the credit card industry is all about: Have it now and pay later. But finances aren’t the only area where we get into trouble. Being in a hurry to get married can lead to an unwise choice of a spouse. Or being in a rush for career success might tempt us not to consider whether our pursuit aligns with God’s plans. 

The Lord had proved Himself to be faithful to the erring children of Israel. Jeremiah had witnessed God’s long-suffering mercy, but also understood that God is both righteous and just and must therefore, punish evil. And so, in the midst of all the trauma and pain, Jeremiah is able to declare, “the LORD is my portion, therefore, I have hope in Him.” 

From the inner depths of his very being, Jeremiah was able to proclaim that the Lord was his hope. God was his portion and the Lord was his helper. And so, despite the terrible circumstances through which he was going, Jeremiah chose to place his hope and his trust in God. He decided to wait expectantly for Him to direct and govern his future, and that of the faithful remnant of Israel. 

Despite the inner turmoil that grieved his soul and the outer destruction he witnessed with his own eyes, this man was able to stand firm on his hope in God, knowing that His mercies are new every morning, for the Lord is a faithful God and true to His Word; and the same holds true today. 

As we see the systematic destruction of sound doctrine in Christianity today, as apostate teachers and false prophets infiltrate the churches of Christendom and seek to destroy the very foundation of our faith… and as we watch the shocking inhumanity of man towards his fellows, and the unbelievable corruption that floods the corridors of government, our hearts also grieve as we witness this painful period in our own problematic history. 

But like Jeremiah, we know in Whom we have believed and are persuaded that He is able to keep all those that have committed to Him. No matter what we may be called upon to suffer in this transitory life, we know that God is faithful and will not suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able to bear, but will make a way of escape so that we may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). 

God is indeed faithful to His Word which cannot be broken… and so with the brokenhearted Jeremiah, we too can trace the rainbow through the rain and proclaim, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.” 

So, why do you think the Lord wants us to wait? One reason is to protect us from our own self-destructive ways just as He wanted Israel to do. Those who can’t say no to their own desires end up enslaved to them. God wants us to be mature believers who have the character and self-restraint to wait for Him to provide in His perfect time. Because the heavenly Father is omniscient, He alone knows what’s best. You can trust that if He asks you to wait, He has something more wonderful in mind than you could ever provide for yourself. 

Does anything seem to have power over you? If so, it may be an area that requires the practice of self-restraint. Yield to the Lord and submit your desires to Him. Then, begin saying no to temptations as you wait for God to reveal His perfect plan. 

As you reflect on God’s word, let the book of Lamentations remind you that waiting is not a waste. In your lament, why not release control of your life and say, “God, I don’t know what You’re doing or why, but I’m going to trust in You, since You know what is best for me.” 

If God’s providence requires you to wait, remind your heart that much good can come from this season. The Lord desires to teach us many lessons, and those lessons often come slowly, after we have stopped trying on our own, at the point we are broken and ready for Him to lead us. In the midst of suffering, remember that waiting on the Lord is not a waste and seeking Him would bring renewed expressions of His goodness. 

It is good to remember the faithfulness of the Lord, which is new every morning. It is wise not to despise the chastening of the Lord or be weary of His correction, for the Lord disciplines the one He loves and chastises every son whom He receives (Hebrews 12:6). Therefore, it is good, very good: “To wait quietly for deliverance from the Lord.” 



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